DI-STRUCT!: Restructuring subjects by digitalising VET
One of the main challenges faced by teachers nowadays is the lack of knowledge about how to create digital content, which could make lessons more interactive for students in their classroom as well as make easier the update and follow up of participants to international mobilities. Indeed, digital learning can facilitate more personalised, flexible, and student-centred learning. However, in spite of many tools, digital platforms, and apps being now available, teachers are not fully aware of their existence and often do not know how to integrate them in their classes.
While digitalisation has been discussed for years in the European educational policy environment as an area in urgent need of development (European Commission, 2013), not all Member States adopted concrete or effective measures to enable schools to provide education through or assisted by digital tools. Cuts to the public sector in the last decades contributed to stagnating methodologies, underdeveloped facilities, and more precarious working conditions for teachers. This caused school systems in most of the EU to not be prepared to guarantee digital learning for all students (OBESSU, Impact and Challenges of COVID-19 on Education Systems in Europe, 2021). With less opportunities, less welfare safety nets dedicated to young people, cuts to education, a hyper-competitive job market, high levels of early school leaving and youth unemployment, the situation only risks of getting worse without a concrete action for innovating VET.
The Di-struct! project has born in this context, with the intent “restructuring” the subjects taught at school thanks to the use of digital tools. The aim is to enhance the learning experiences of students and providing them with a training offer which is more attractive. Di-struct! partners are committed to make VET schools a place that motivates learners in studying with the use of alternative and more modern teaching approaches.
Di-struct! essential objective is to increase the level of digitalisation of VET schools by:
- Improving the digital skills of teachers in active learning methodologies based on the use if ICTs.
- Creating more digital, interactive and attractive content for students.
Targeted audiences
VET teachers are directly involved in our project, as well as VET headmasters and VET learners.
Main activities
- Screening of practises to define the state of the art of VET schools concerning the ongoing digitalisation process.
- Development of 8 online training modules on digitalisation dedicated to VET teachers to increase the knowledge in school staff on tools and methodologies for active learning through the use of ICTs.
- New digital content creation in VET subjects to put in practice the notions learned in the E-learning and testing of the new educational activities based on the use of ICTs in class.
- Production of subject-based guidelines for VET practitioners on how to digitalise their lessons.
Starting dates
December 2022 (30 months)
Project coordinator

This project is co-funded with the support of the European ERASMUS + program
Last updates
Get more information about DI-STRUCT! by contacting us and visiting the project website
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