Cr.E.Ate: European Atelier of Crafts

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Cr.E.Ate: awakening to craftsmanship


The general objective of this project is to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and good practices for the adaptation of innovative, flexible and sustainable training methods which include the effective use of new technologies in the sector of traditional crafts.

More specifically, this project aims to:

  • Structure a network of partners interested in awakening to craftsmanship.
  • Organize exchanges of know-how.

Targeted audiences

Trainers and young apprentices aged between 18 to 24 in 3 main sectors of activity:

  • Wood
  • Hairdressing / aesthetics
  • Graphic design

Main activities

  • Sharing and analysis of training methods focused on traditional sectors and proposition of improvements based on their identified strengths and weaknesses.
  • Development of networking actions to promote the direct involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Promotion of transnational mobility of trainers and students.
  • Creation of a training method applicable in different social contexts and traditional sectors.

The partnership implemented 2 additional activities:

» 7-day training at the Business Center of the Region of Murcia in Spain for trainers from Italy, Belgium, Spain, Latvia, Poland and France.

» Training at the Ecipa training center in Perugia, Italy, for 11 apprentices in hairdressing, aesthetics and wigmaking. This training took place in 2 stages with first 7 days of training in a vocational school alongside learners from Poland, Latvia, Spain and Italy, then 7 days of immersion in local companies.

Starting dates

October 2017 (18 months)


This project is co-funded with the support of the European ERASMUS + program

Site internet Cr.E.Ate

To get more information 

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