As part of the project to support the investment climate and sectoral governance “Forest Wood”, the Ministry of Small and Medium Craft Enterprises and of the informal sector in Congo Brazzaville has sought the expertise of the network of the Chambers of Craft.
In order to enhance the actors and productions of this sector, the government of the Republic of Congo has planned in its national development projects, the construction of a modern craft village in Brazzaville which will host infrastructures of production, exhibition and sale of products and craft items.
Thus, within the framework of the Support Project for the Investment Climate and Forest/Wood Sector Governance, the Ministry of Small and Medium Craft Enterprises and of the Informal Sector wishes to improve the supervision of the craft production of the 2nd and 3rd transformation of wood by supporting the efforts of the craftmen by providing them with an infrastructure and means of production that meet the standards, and to allow them, after structuring the sector, to have access to technical means of production and supervision that they have lacked until now.
Elaboration of a study for the implementation of :
- a Professional Resource Center for jobs in the 2nd and 3rd wood processing,
- means of production meeting the standards and allowing access to technical means of production and supervision.
Targeted audiences
Congolese craftsmen of the 2nd and 3rd wood processing.
- Realization of an institutional diagnosis to measure the maturity of the profession, the degree of acceptance of the procedures of mutualization and the experiments of collective actions.
- Realization of an economic diagnosis to determine the elements allowing to formalize a specific national classification and to better know the situation, the markets, the priorities of development and the stakes.
- Realization of a technical diagnosis to determine the gap between the current level, the required level and the needs of the craftsmen.
Starting dates
March 2020
- Ministry of SMEs, Crafts and of the Informal Sector of Congo
Partners of the Franco-Congolese consortium:
- CMA France
- Chamber of Craft from Lyon-Rhône
- International Tropical Wood Technical Association (ATIBT)
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