In May 2017, the CMA Lyon-Rhône organized a study visit on the theme of urban logistics and mobility practices in Milan.
This visit was organized within the framework of EASY EUROPE mobilities and co-financed by the ERASMUS + program.
For 2 days, 3 technicians from the CMA Lyon-Rhône in charge of “territorial actions” went to Milan to discuss with local actors on the theme of sustainable mobility in urban areas and to compare practices and technical advances between the twin cities of Lyon and Milan.
The objectives of this study visit were:
- To learn about the mobility sector in Italy,
- To learn about craft activity in Milanese public policies,
- To exchange know-how,
- To observe good practices,
- To identify new techniques / technologies. / technologies,
- To have information on the economic and legal aspects.
Visit program
More specifically, CMA Lyon-Rhône agents were able to:
- Meet and discuss with their counterparts from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Confartigianato, the Urban Planning Agency (AMAT), the Politecnico University and the Municipality on the practices and technical advances put in place.
- Learn about the Italian metropolitan structure, urban development, problems related to mobility, innovations and limitations in terms of promoting accessibility policies.

To receive more information about the study visit