TRaining for APPrentices

The European mobility of apprentices is a phenomenon that has been developing over the past fifteen years. Numerous measures allowing financial, administrative, legal and partnership supports have been put in place to contribute to this. However, the proportion of apprentices benefiting from a professional experience in another European country during their training remains very limited.
It appears fundamental to work for the establishment of a genuine European area of vocational training for the benefit of apprentices!
To facilitate long-term mobility of vocational training in apprenticeship and post-apprenticeship.
TRAPP is an innovative project that aims to facilitate, secure and promote long-term mobility during apprenticeship and post-apprenticeship, through pilot experiences in the hairdressing and car mechanic sector.
Targeted audiences
Apprentices, professional organizations (professional training organizations, companies and business networks interested in the mobility of apprentices), political and public authorities.
Main activities
4 mais activities:
- Legal framework: what legal modalities must precede the organization of a long-term mobility?
- Human resources: how to maintain human resources in the sending company during the time of the mobility?
- Educational framework: how to guarantee the continuity of the educational path, whatever the place of training?
- Assessment / certification: how to recognize and value mobility in the apprentice’s educational path, once he/she has returned to his/her country of origin?
Organization of a pilot phase of cross-mobilities between TRAPP project’s partners: a company A and a company B exchange an apprentice with the same level of competence during the same period of time in the hairdressing and car mechanic sector.
Starting dates
October 2019 (24 months)
Project coordinator
This project is co-funded with the support of the European ERASMUS + program
Last updates
On February 10, 2022, the Chamber of Crafts Lyon-Rhône organized, in collaboration with the SEPR, a feedback seminar to share the experience of the French partners and present the tools developed within the framework of TRAPP to respond to the main obstacles for the long-term mobility of apprentices.
» PPT presentation (in French)
» Video replay of the seminar (in French)
For European mobility coordinators and vocational training centres:
→ Report
clarifying the administrative and legal aspects to be taken into account to secure apprentices during a long-term mobility, enriched with practical examples and recommendations from the experience of TRAPP partners.
with the templates of the legal documents used to set up pilot mobilities within the framework of TRAPP.
to understand what cross-mobilities are, as solutions to ensure HR equivalence in companies and how to organize them, enriched with practical examples and recommendations from TRAPP experience.
→ Toolkit to facilitate the recruitment of apprentices and companies and promote good collaboration between in-company trainers, teachers and apprentices during mobility.
› Tool 1 : table “How to organize mobilities from the point of view of a VET centre?” explains the essential steps before, during and after the mobility.
› Tool 2.a : Argumentation on “Why going abroad during my apprenticeship” to hand out to apprentices.
→ Tool 2.b : Argumentation on “Good reasons to let your apprentice leave abroad” to hand out to companies.
› Tool 3 : Promotional video to promote long-term mobility to apprentices
› Tool 4 : example of flyers with basic information about TRAPP project and the pilot mobilities to inform and find apprentices in France, Germany, Italy and Finland, in the hairdressing and car mechanic sectors.
› Tool 5 : Guideline on how to organize networking events with a detailed list of the organization steps to follow.
› Tool 6 : Promotional video to promote long-term mobility to companies and in-company tutors
› Tool 7 : Table to gather qualitative information on the participating company.
› Tool 8 : Table “Professional profile” where the apprentice describes his/her competencies and capabilities at his/her workplace.
› Tool 9 : Simple instructions on how to make a e-card /video presensation that can be transferred to the apprentices and the companies.
› Tool 10 : Guideline on “How to organize virtual meet-ups”
› Tool 11 : Guideline on “How to collect companies’ feedbacks / assessment”
→ A steps-by-steps pedagogical guide
to ensure a coherent educational program thanks to the implementation of a Learning Agreement in line with the apprentice’s curriculum.
→ Collection of digital tools to teach and learn theoretical subjects remotely.
→ Report
» Information on the dimensions to consider for the recognition and assessment of skills.
» Information and examples of European and national assessment and valorization tools and methodologies used for TRAPP pilot mobilities.
» And additional resources experimented with TRAPP to improve the recognition of the skills acquired abroad.
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